1. (especially of a person) thinking about or planning the future with imagination and wisdom.
“a visionary leader”
2. relating to or able to see visions in a dream, trance or through a supernatural event.
“a visionary experience”
1. a person with original ideas about what the future will or could be like.
You are constantly challenged to balance moving to the beat of your own drum WHILE you lead others and your company forward in a consistent direction.
Sometimes this feels like it takes more than you have, doesn’t it?
- You might wonder who sees things the way you do?
- Are you in this alone?
- Where can you find the kind of support that you truly need?
- Where, perhaps, can you begin to develop yourself as a leader to accomplish all that you are driven to do and create?
My belief is that leadership is an INSIDE job. Getting clear with what’s within you and aligning this with how you wish to show up in the world is essential to be a great leader. And visionaries have inherent strengths and challenges in this department.
Do you want to ignite your Visionary Leadership and feel more in control of who you are and what you’re creating?